If you’ve got a packaging challenge, chances are, Baer & Associates can help! Visit our new website, at BaerUSA.com, and explore our many Packaging Solutions, Case Studies, and get to know the packaging solutions professionals at Baer.
At Baer, we specialize in finding, creating and developing unique packaging solutions for a wide variety of industries. Baer maintains working relationships with a wide variety of best-in-class, highly specialized supplier partners – pairing the right product with the right packaging, often developing completely new packaging solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients.
Our deep industry knowledge and right-sized scale provides clients the nimbleness and flexibility required to move at the speed of business, often outmaneuvering larger companies – with even more competitive rates.


Dangerous metal-rimmed ice cream drums were an industry standard for nearly 90 years.

Convincing businesses to change to a metal-free ice cream drum was difficult, even though it was a much safer alternative. Legacy equipment, entrenched suppliers and scalability were all challenges that had to be faced to implement a solution – but the desired outcome was a gamechanger.

No metal rims meant no chance of metal shards from manufacturing equipment making its way into summer’s most delicious cool treat. And, no metal rims meant no sharp edges leading to cuts when scoop-shop workers reached inside to carve out a perfect portion of ice cream. The 3-gallon size was perfect for ice cream shops nationwide – but other sizes became part of the solution too. How did Baer & Associates convince businesses to make this change?


Dangerous metal-rimmed ice cream drums were an industry standard for nearly 90 years.

Convincing businesses to change to a metal-free ice cream drum was difficult, even though it was a much safer alternative. Legacy equipment, entrenched suppliers and scalability were all challenges that had to be faced to implement a solution – but the desired outcome was a gamechanger.

No metal rims meant no chance of metal shards from manufacturing equipment making its way into summer’s most delicious cool treat. And, no metal rims meant no sharp edges leading to cuts when scoop-shop workers reached inside to carve out a perfect portion of ice cream. The 3-gallon size was perfect for ice cream shops nationwide – but other sizes became part of the solution too. How did Baer & Associates convince businesses to make this change?